Periodontal Gum Disease Treatment Birmingham AL
Do you have red, tender & swollen gums that bleed easily? If you answered yes, then you are one among many people in the United States that have some form of gum disease. Some cases are mild while others are more severe. At Birmingham’s Comfort Plus Family Dental, we screen every new patient for gum disease at your first visit and other existing patients at least once a year. Prevention is always the best medicine.
So What is Gum or periodontal Disease?
Our teeth are always covered with a thin layer of bacteria called plaque. The amount of plaque on your teeth constantly changes throughout the day due to factors such as eating & drinking. When plaque stays on teeth and the surrounding gum tissue for extended periods of time throughout the day every day, it causes inflammation in the gums other than causing decay too. This inflammation results in symptoms such as:
- red, tender and swollen gums
- Bleeding gums
- Persistent bad breath
- loosening and/or shifting of teeth
What causes gum disease?
There are several factors that cause gum disease. However below are some of the most common causes:
- Poor oral hygiene
- Smoking
- Crowded teeth that cannot be cleaned properly
- Diabetes
- Several medications
- Genetics
Are there different kinds of periodontal disease?
Yes, there are different kinds of periodontal disease. The severity of the inflammation of gums and bone loss is what differentiates between the two.
Gingivitis is a mild reversible form of periodontal disease. It is very commonly seen in teenagers and young adults. Gingivitis can be easily prevented by brushing two to three times daily for a total of two minutes each time, and flossing at least once daily.
Periodontitis, on the other hand, is the more severe form of periodontal disease that cannot be reversed. In periodontitis, there is cumulative accumulation of plaque underneath your gums which cannot be removed by brushing and flossing. This results in bone loss and gums pull back from the teeth and form “pockets” that accumulate more plaque, calculus and bacteria. Hence entering a vicious cycle, eventually causing infection. Find below a brief pictorial representation for the various stages of periodontal disease.
What is the treatment for Periodontal disease?
Gingivitis, the reversible form of periodontal disease, can be treated easily with proper home care. This include brushing at least twice daily, flossing at least once, proper use of mouthwash, healthy food choices and regular visits to Dr. Gutti for your professional cleaning.
Periodontitis, the irreversible form of periodontal disease, when detected early is treated with scaling and root planing by Dr. Gutti and our hygienist.
Scaling and Root Planing sounds scary! What is the actual procedure?
Scaling and root planing is least invasive way to treat periodontitis. During this procedure, Dr. Gutti and/or our hygienist first numb your gums. We know it sounds painful however at our practice we do this without the use of traditional needles, so that way you will not have any pain even during the numbing process. After your gums are numb, the calculus/tartar build up is removed from the surface of the teeth. The root surfaces that are exposed due to bone loss are cleaned very well to make them feel smooth. Smooth root surfaces do not accumulate or retain plaque, thus reducing the inflammation and the infection in the gums.

What can I expect after Scaling and Root Planing Appointment?
- Pain/Discomfort: It is very common to experience some pain/discomfort/tenderness after your deep cleaning. Dr. Gutti may advise you to use some ibuprofen for the pain if necessary.
- Sensitivity: It is also possible to have some sensitivity after the deep cleaning appointment. Dr. Gutti may prescribe you a prescription strength sensitivity tooth paste depending on the severity. Usually, the sensitivity only lasts for a week or two.
How do I take care of my gums after periodontal treatment?
After scaling and root planing is done, there are few essential steps that you must follow that will encourage your gums to heal faster.
- Brush and floss regularly
- Use of an antibacterial mouthwash to prevent further infection
- Return to the office as often as once every 3 months to maintain the newly achieved healthy gums and tissue. This is your periodontal maintenance appointment where Dr. Gutti and our hygienist will make sure that you are making progress.
It is very essential that you keep up with your periodontal maintenance appointments every 3-4 months as suggested by Dr. Gutti to that there is no relapse and we continue to see you with a healthy smile.

Should you have any questions call us today, thank you for considering us for your and your family’s dental needs, we look forward to serving you.
Accepting New Patients
We are now accepting new patients (we take Bluecross (BCBS), Untited, Medicaid and 20+ other insurances, see below) and serving Center Point, Birmingham, Roebuck, Trussville, Pinson, Clay, Tarrant City, Leeds, Moody, Gardendale, Fultondale, Springville, Midfield, Pell City, Argo, Warrior, Huffman, other surrounding areas in Alabama.